By-pass around Morelia!
Scenic route to Lake Patzcuaro:
This route follows the Guadalajara cuota north of Morelia and into small, two-lane-blacktops to the left side of Lake Patzcuaro in Erongaricuaro.
Patzcuaro is 12 miles around the Lake.
Get-on or stay-on the Guadalajara cuota, past the Morelia exit and continue west. After about 30 miles, exit at Huaniqueo / Coeneo and drive south. In Coeneo, drive straight through the circle or turn left for a trip through town. Drive through / past Coeneo and continue about 20 miles to highway #15. Turn right on highway 15 and drive through Comanja. Leaving town, continue on towards Zacapu about 3 miles to the left turn for Erongaricuaro. Turn left and drive through the small towns of Franco Reyes / Lazaro Cardenas / Cinziro / Zarzamora / Yotatiro and on down to Lake Patzcuaro and Erongaricuaro.
Welcome to Eronga! Turn left to go to Patzcuaro or right to go to Quiroga.